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Regional Master Trainer
A comprehensive training program for all new staff will be a cornerstone of the success of the WEERDP. Not only does the program seek to train its own employees, it will provide . . .
Regional M&E Officer - (Re-announced)
The project will follow a demand-driven/market-led approach to establish market linkages at the national, provincial and local levels and special emphasis will be given to identify & . . .
WASH Officer - (Re-announced)
The project is emergency funded and is meant to stop movement of environmental polio virus in the area.
PMU Finance Associate
The Citizens Charter is a National Priority Program (NPP) of the National Unity Government (NUG) that was officially launched on September 25, 2016. The Citizens Charter is an inter . . .
CLTS Supervisor
For ensuring the objectives set in the project document are being achieved through the planned activities in provinces, there is need for hiring CLTS Supervisor.
CLTS Facilitator
For ensuring the objectives set in the project document are being achieved through the planned activities in provinces, there is need for hiring CLTS Facilitator.
Senior Program Officer - (Re-announced)
The main aim of the project is to provide ample stimulus to entice economic growth, health improvement, education gains and other socio-economic benefits in the target areas.
Quality Control Assistant
For ensuring the objectives set in the project document are being achieved through the planned activities in provinces, there is need for hiring a Quality Control Assistant.
WASH Officer
To ensure that project objectives are met through the planned activities in provinces, there is need for hiring of WASH Officer.