Changing Rural Women’s Living Standards

In addition to ensuring development and social welfare, the Citizens’ Charter National Priority Program of the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD/CCNPP) is committed to strengthening rural communities’ economy and bringing positive changes in the villagers’ living standards by executing thousands of infrastructure projects at village level across Afghanistan. One of the major services provided by the Citizens’ Charter is the creation of a positive mobility in rural women’s life. With the help of awareness campaigns conducted by the Citizens’ Charter, the rural women are now capable of enjoying their rights in the community. They can work how to improve the social welfare by implementing the development schemes in their communities along with men. To prove certain reality, let’s read about Zabit Community Development Council (CDC), as an example, in Kuhsan district of Herat province.
Kuhsan, one of Herat’s western districts is located some 125 km away from the center of Herat province. Based on a statistical report provided in 2006, this district had a diverse population of 5,778 comprised of different ethnic groups e.g. Pashtuns, Tajiks and Turkmen. Almost 90% of lands in this district are arable. The role of women in developmental and social activities has increased after the Citizens’ Charter National Priority Program of the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD/CCNPP) extended its coverage to this district. Their participation in the capacity building programs conducted by the MRRD/CCNPP has helped them perform effective and productive activities for the sake of their community development.
Miss Tazagul Yari, one of the most innovative and active CDC members who has served days and nights in a bid to bring positive changes in the life of her village women. She said: “After the Citizens’ Charter covered our community, it has had tangible impacts on women’s living standards in various spheres. The awareness programs conducted by the Citizens’ Charter in our community have largely benefited the women who are currently able to ensure their presence and prominence in the society by taking active part in the construction and development of their community.”
“By conducting regular meetings at community level, I encouraged the village women how to improve their livelihoods with the assistance of the existing CDC. The influential and affluent village women have established the poultry farms whereby they distribute chickens and chicks to impoverished families in an attempt to improve their livelihoods. In addition, we have been able to conduct a tailoring and some other courses to teach women how to process gam and candy from mulberry and blackberry and how to process pickle from vegetables during the COVID-19 pandemic,” added Miss Tazagul Yari.
The Citizens’ Charter has promoted the role of women in CDCs in order to enable them to participate in the decision-making process as well as encouraging them to work closely with men to find appropriate solution to community related difficulties.