REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (REoI) - Qualitative Diagnostic of Rural Women’s Social and Economic Empowerment in Afghanistan


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Location Nangarhar and Balkh

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development

Procurement Directorate






Country: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Name of Project: Women Economic Empowerment Rural Development Program (WEE-RDP)

Grant No.: IDA-DE840

Assignment Title: Qualitative Diagnostic of Rural Women’s Social and Economic Empowerment in Afghanistan

Duration of Assignment: 3 Months

Implementing Agency: Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD)

Province: Nangarhar and Balkh

Reference No: 22/WB/28/NCB/BLH, NGR/98

Issue date: May 27, 2020



  1. Background:


Recognizing the imperative for investing in women’s economic empowerment (WEE), the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA) launched the Women’s Economic Empowerment National Priority Program (WEE-NPP) in March 2017.The WEE-NPP forms the third pillar of the GoIRA’s Gender Strategy which is encompassed in the broader Afghanistan National Peace and Development Framework (ANPDF), the Afghanistan government development plan for 2017-2021. The WEE-NPP aims to build poor women’s capacity to strengthen the economy of their households, communities, and the entire nation. It is structured as an umbrella program that operates through more than a dozen line ministries (via ongoing or pipeline projects) and is coordinated by a Program Coordination Office (PCO) based in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA).

The cornerstone project under the WEE-NPP is the Women's Economic Empowerment Rural Development Project (WEE-RDP), which is currently being rolled out in76 districts of 34 provinces of selected communities. The WEE-RDP is implemented by the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) and is supported by a $100 million grant administered by the World Bank that was approved in September 2018. The project will work to increase poor and ultra-poor women’s participation in community-level institutions,and these institutionswill be provided with seed capital, technical assistance, and linked to formal financial institutions and markets. The implicit ‘theory of change’ of WEE-RDP, is that though participation in these institutions, women will accrue social capital that they can leverageto access financial, political (rights, access to justice), and economic capital, thus increasing their social and economic empowerment.

The WEE-RDP builds on the predecessor project; the Afghanistan Rural Economic Development Project (AREDP) has been implemented in 5 provinces. The AREDP achieved a lot of good on the ground and female participation (over 60 percent) was one of its key strengths. An assessment of the AREDP was conducted in late 2018[1], and a separate study of AREDP’s impact on rural women was previously conducted in 2015.[2]To build upon this existing evidence-base, additional research is needed to help test and refine the project’s theory of change and outcome indicators. Further research can also improve our understanding of the social impacts and the potential unintended consequences of WEE..

  1. Key Objectives of the assignment

Objective 1 – Testing Pathways to Women’s Social and Economic Empowerment under WEE-RDP

  1. What traits do men and women associate with empowered women in their communities?
  2. Did participants report feeling more empower after their participation in AREDP? Why or why not?
  3. What other benefits did women and men experience as a result of women’s participation in AREDP?
  4. How do these local assessments (under a. b. and c.) converge or diverge with the theory of change, and outcome indicators set under WEE-RDP?
  5. To what extent and how was interaction with other women in the program, viewed as beneficial by participants?[3]
  6. What other actors in the community (local authorities, community and religious leaders, professional bodies, NGOs etc), do women perceive as assisting or hindering their empowerment, whether in terms of their participation in AERDP/WEE-RDP programs or otherwise?
  7. Have impacts been sustained after project participation ended?

Objective 2 – Understanding the Social Impacts of Participation on Women

  1. Do men and women report positive or negative changes in household dynamics, as a result of WEE?
  2. Do women report any increased risks of violence towards them within the household, as a result of their participation in AREDP?[4]
  3. Do women report any increased risks of violence outside of their homes, as a result of their participation in AREDP?[5]
  4. In such cases, how do women cope and respond?
  5. What are the enabling and inhibiting factors for women to access support services?



3. The short listing criteria:

  1. The firm should be registered legal entity and the firm should have at least 3 years of experience conducting qualitative research on social issues including gender, poverty, inequality, or social inclusion and qualitative research on Gender Based Violence preferably in Afghanistan or other south Asian countries.  
  2. The consultant shall demonstrate having sound financial situation by submitting audited financial reports or any other credible financial documents in which the consultant annual turnover for one of the last three years (2016, 2017and 2018) shall be USA 45,000 (Frothy-five thousand USD.
  3.  Evidence of past similar experience at least one contract with a minimum of USD 20,000 (Twenty thousand USD) in one of the last five years.
  4. Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications. If consultants intend to associate with other firms, they are advised to clearly identify the lead partner and state the composition and nature of the association (JV/ sub-consultant) in their EOI.
  5. In case the EOI is submitted in the form of a joint venture (JV), the lead partner should meet 60% of criterion for each (b) and (c) and the JV partner should meet 40% of each (b) and (c) shortlisting criteria. In the event that such an EOI is shortlisted for the Request-for-Proposal stage, no changes can be made in the JV composition of partners.
  6. In case the EOI is submitted in the form of a sub-consultancy (SC), the overall merits will be considered for such partnership, but the actual short listing criteria will apply only to the primary and not the sub-consultants.

4. Method of Selection and submission deadline for EoI:


The Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Consultant Qualification Based Selection (CQS) method set out in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers, Procurement in investment Projects Financing, Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services July 2016, revised November 2017.
Rules of Procedure is available at this site

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by e-mail) by 07 June 2020 at 2:00 p.m. Kabul Local Time. (Kabul Local Time).

Further information in respect to this REOI and TOR can be obtained at the address below by email or in person during office hours 08:00-04:00 Hours.


Address of Focal Persons for Enquires and Submission of EoIs:


Attn: Ali Mohammad Joyan, Head of Consultancy Unit, Procurement Directorate, Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD), AfghanistanTashkilat Street, Darul Aman Road, Kabul, Afghanistan

E-mail to: copied to; ;


Annexure 1: Format for Expression of Interest

The expression of interest must be submitted as per the following format:

{Note: In case documents submitted are in any language other than English, the consultant should submit a self-certified copy of the translated document in English (along with originals).}

SECTION 1: Organization Details (In case the EoI is being submitted as a Joint Venture, the information has to be submitted for the Lead Partner as well as other members of the Joint Venture separately.

Part 1: Organisation Detail


Name of the Organization



Details of the Organization

  • Address of the Registered Office:
  • Telephone:
  • Facsimile:
  • Website:

Information about Organization

  • Year of Establishment: (copy the incorporation certificate shall be provided)
  • Status of the Organization: (Public Ltd./Private Ltd./LLP etc.)

Name and designation of the person authorized

  • Name
  • Designation
  • E-mail
  • Contact Number

Annual Turnover for the last three Financial Years

Financial Year

Annual Turnover (Million AFN)









Number of Personnel




Part 2

EOI Respondent firm needs to mention its core business areas and any other relevant details / experience in a descriptive format. EOI Respondent firm needs to mention its Technical and managerial capability for executing the scope of services.


Please provide a response with details in not more than 2 pages






SECTION 2: Documents to be submitted


Information to be provided

Documentary Evidence to be Provided

Page number as part of Annexure


The firm should be registered legal entity and the firm should have at least 5 years of experience conducting qualitative research on social issues including gender, poverty, inequality, or social inclusion in Afghanistan or in similar country contexts (documented evidence is required, e.g. summary of reports and names of contracting agencies). The firm must have demonstrated experience conducting qualitative research on Gender Based Violence (preferably in the Afghan context).

Copy Certificate of Incorporation issued by relevant authority in country of establishment



The consultant shall demonstrate having sound financial situation by submitting audited financial reports or any other credible financial documents in which the consultant annual turnover for any of the last three years (2016, 2017and 2018) shall be USD 45,000 (forty five thousand USD).


Statutory Auditor’s certificate (i.e. FY 2016, FY 2017, FY 2018) that provides the information explicitly as per the specific requirement of the criterion.


Financial statements duly certified by the Chartered Accountant


Self-certification by the authorized signatory of the EoI mentioning the Annual Turnover for the last three years supported by financial statements or Annual Auditor Reports (for FY 2016, FY 2017, FY 2018) clearly indicating the annual turnover.

The official contact (not Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail) detail for the auditors shall be provided for verification purposes.



Evidence of past similar experience at least one contract with a minimum amount of USS 20,000 (Twenty thousand) in one of the last five years.

Details of the experience should be submitted as per format in Section 3.

Please note:

The credentials cited under this must have been executed by the EoI Respondent or the Lead/JV partner and not its parent/child company

The Official contact (not Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail) detail for the Client shall be provided for verification purposes.



SECTION 3: Format for furnishing details of Credentials / Past Experiences for projects in undertaking related or similar assignment as at Sl. No. 3 of Section 2. The information need to be furnished as per the Format below for each credential.

The project citation should be a maximum of 2 pages per credential/project along with documents as mentioned under Sl. No. 3 of Section 2 (above). The citation need to be furnished for each credential.


Assignment name:


Location within the country

Name of Client:



Name of the Legal Entity in whose name the contract is:


Duration of assignment (months):


No. of man month of the assignment:

Start date (Month/year):

Completion date (Month/year):

Approx. value of the overall contract (in AFN):


Approx. value of the services provided by your firm under the contract (in AFN):

Name of associated organizations, if any:

Role of Consortium member:

Narrative description of the Project:


Detailed Scope of services, coverage of the project:

  • Consultant should explain in what way the executed assignment(s) was/were similar in nature to the current assignment
  • The Consultant should explain the exact role played by the Consultant in the assignment if the assignment was carried out in association with other firms as JV or in sub-consultancy for carrying out the assignment.
  • Key-person inputs provided by the Consultant in executing the assignment giving particulars such as qualification and experience of Key staff provided for the assignment (CVs of such key staff are not required to be attached)

Relevance of Project to the current scope (i.e. relevant project components in detail)

Details of the impact of the project for the client:











DATE: MAY 02, 2020






Recognizing the imperative for investing in women’s economic empowerment (WEE), the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA) launched the Women’s Economic Empowerment National Priority Program (WEE-NPP) in March 2017. The WEE-NPP forms the third pillar of the GoIRA’s Gender Strategy which is encompassed in the broader Afghanistan National Peace and Development Framework (ANPDF), the Afghanistan government development plan for 2017-2021. The WEE-NPP aims to build poor women’s capacity to strengthen the economy of their households, communities, and the entire nation. It is structured as an umbrella program that operates through more than a dozen line ministries (via ongoing or pipeline projects) and is coordinated by a Program Coordination Office (PCO) based in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA).

The cornerstone project under the WEE-NPP is the Women's Economic Empowerment Rural Development Project (WEE-RDP), which is currently being rolled out in 76 districts of 34 provinces of selected communities. The WEE-RDP is implemented by the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) and is supported by a $100 million grant administered by the World Bank that was approved in September 2018. The project will work to increase poor and ultra-poor women’s participation in community-level institutions, and these institutions will be provided with seed capital, technical assistance, and linked to formal financial institutions and markets. The implicit ‘theory of change’ of WEE-RDP, is that though participation in these institutions, women will accrue social capital that they can leverage to access financial, political (rights, access to justice), and economic capital, thus increasing their social and economic empowerment.

The WEE-RDP builds on the predecessor project, the Afghanistan Rural Economic Development Project (AREDP) has been implemented in 5 provinces. The AREDP achieved a lot of good on the ground and female participation (over 60 percent) was one of its key strengths. An assessment of the AREDP was conducted in late 2018[6], and a separate study of AREDP’s impact on rural women was previously conducted in 2015.[7] To build upon this existing evidence-base, additional research is needed to help test and refine the project’s theory of change and outcome indicators. Further research can also improve our understanding of the social impacts and the potential unintended consequences of WEE. 


Objective 1 – Testing Pathways to Women’s Social and Economic Empowerment under WEE-RDP

  1. What traits do men and women associate with empowered women in their communities?
  2. Did participants report feeling more empowered after their participation in AREDP/WEE-RDP? Why or why not?
  3. What other benefits did women and men experience as a result of women’s participation in AREDP/WEE-RDP?
  4. How do these local assessments (under a. b. and c.) converge or diverge with the theory of change, and outcome indicators set under WEE-RDP?
  5. To what extent and how was interaction with other women in the program, viewed as beneficial by participants?[8]
  6. What other actors in the community (local authorities, community and religious leaders, professional bodies, NGOs etc), do women perceive as assisting or hindering their empowerment, whether in terms of their participation in AERDP/WEE-RDP programs or otherwise?
  7. Have impacts been sustained after project participation ended?

Objective 2 – Understanding the Social Impacts of Participation on Women

  1. Do men and women report positive or negative changes in household dynamics, as a result of WEE?
  2. Do women report any increased risks of violence towards them within the household, as a result of their participation in AREDP/WEE-RDP?[9]
  3. Do women report any increased risks of violence outside of their homes, as a result of their participation in AREDP/WEE-RDP?[10]
  4. In such cases, how do women cope and respond?
  5. What are the enabling and inhibiting factors for women to access support services?



Province Selection

The study should visit two provinces in which AREDP was implemented, and in which WEE-RDP is or will be implemented.[11] The two provinces should be sufficiently different to each other in terms of their social and cultural make up, and gender outcomes, and be approved by MRRD. The two provinces currently proposed for study are Nangarhar and Balkh, to be discussed further with the firm at selection stage.

District Selection

A select number of locations should be visited within each province, allowing for the following basis of comparison:

  1. Remoteness
  2. Methods of recruitment into WEE-RDP
  3. Saturation of female participation in AERDP/WEE-RDP

The districts included should contain a good level of ethnic diversity.[12]

Study Participants

Interviewees should comprise men and women with sufficient diversity along the following lines: participation in AERDP or WEE-RDP, economic background (poor and ultra-poor), age, marital status, literacy and education, ethnicity. Women who were not participants should also be interviewed, as a control group.

The firm should also conduct interviews with persons or representatives who influence the WEE of women in their communities, including but not limited to: local authorities, community and religious leaders, professional bodies etc.


  1. Design a qualitative research methodology (including sample size and distribution, research methods and proposed instruments, recruitment strategy for participants, ethical safeguards and codes of conduct for interviewers etc.), to be submitted for approval. 
  2. Ensure that the study methodology adheres to the highest ethical standards. Special safeguards should be included for conducting research on Gender Based Violence (GBV). To avoid putting women at risk of further violence, only one person per household will be eligible to participate in the study. Enumerators and interviewers should provide all women, regardless of abuse status, with de-identified contact information for local support services.
  3. The consulting firm must develop an informed consent form for participation, which must be completed by each participant prior to the beginning of the work and signed forms must be delivered to MRRD.
  4. Draft research instruments for all targeted interviewee groups, and template for transcripts/notes. Templates must include a roster providing relevant demographic information of the interviewee(s), such as gender, age, location, literacy (and other basic information deemed relevant). These instruments must be submitted in the preparation stage and approved by MRRD.
  5. Develop guidelines for interviewers and conduct enumerator training.
  6. Conduct a research pilot in one community and provide completed transcripts and notes of that pilot for review and feedback. Actual field work will start after incorporating WEE-NPP’s comments and MRRD final approval of a pilot report and revised research instruments.
  7. Weekly field notes from all communities and short summaries of those to be provided by the firm.
  8. Transcripts/in-depth notes of all field work to be provided in English.
  9. A single file of all data coded in Nvivo, Dedoose, or other qualitative data software.
  10. A short (20-25 pages, in English) note summarizing the main themes emerging from the research. These
    findings of the study should specify differences by gender, age, family status, area of residence, etc.
  11. Participation in a workshop with the WEE-NPP and WEE-RDP teams to discuss the field work and emerging findings in a PowerPoint presentation.
  12. Draft report on research findings and study recommendations to be provided for WEE-NPP and MRRD comments, with reasonable rounds of revision.
  13. Final report on research findings and study recommendations (50 pages max, in English and Dari).





First set of products: Preparation

  • Inception Report
  • Draft: Research methodology, instruments, consent forms.

3 weeks after signing contract


Second set of products: Piloting

  • Pilot report
  • Finalized: Research method, instruments, consent forms

5.5 weeks after signing contract

Third set of products: Implementation

  • Signed consent forms;
  • Weekly field notes and summary reports

8 weeks after signing contract

Fourth set of products – Analysis and Documentation

  • Transcripts and Nvivo files of all fieldwork
  • Summary report of preliminary findings
  • Participation in analysis workshop
  • Draft report
  • Final report

12 weeks after signing contract



The firm will be paid according to the following schedule:

On signing of contract


On delivery of the complete first set of products


On delivery of the complete second set of products


On delivery of the complete third set of products


On delivery of the complete fourth set of products












The firm should have at least 10 years of experience conducting qualitative research on social issues including gender, poverty, inequality, or social inclusion in Afghanistan or in similar country contexts (documented evidence is required, e.g. summary of reports and names of contracting agencies). The firm must have demonstrated experience conducting qualitative research on Gender Based Violence (preferably in the Afghan context).

The team leader should be experienced in qualitative research on social issues, particularly in assignments related to gender and social inclusion. S/he must have experience working in teams, preferably in a leadership position, and have a strong client orientation. S/he must be familiar with donor/contracting requirements and be able to deliver reports on a timely manner. The team leader should have a graduate degree in a related field with at least 5 years of relevant professional experience.

The interviewers should have a background in Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work or a related field. The interviewers should have proven experience in collecting qualitative data in Afghanistan, and a good understanding of in-country communications and cultural awareness, as well as sensitivity to gender issues.  At least half of the interviewers must be female. The full team should be trained in accordance of the WHO ethical guidelines for conducting research on GBV.[13]

Qualified firms should submit a proposal for the assignment that includes a recruitment and eligibility strategy, sample research instruments, as well as a budget and timeline (consider the schedule of deliverables for an orientation). 

GoIRA will retain all rights to all outputs of this consultancy (instruments, data, field notes, interview transcripts and recordings, emerging findings reports, and all other deliverables described in the TOR or otherwise agreed between the GoIRA and the firm etc.). Outputs from this consultancy may not be used or licensed by the firm or other entities without the express written permission of the GoIRA

The firm will protect the confidentiality of those participating in the study at all stages. All data are to be treated as confidential. No data or other information from this study will be released to third parties without the written approval of the GoIRA.









No of Staff

Key Responsibilities



BSc or Masters (Diploma) in Social Sciences/Counseling/psychology/ health or other related field. At least 8 years of working experience in the same field.


1. Understand gender roles, power dynamics and social norms and practices with regard to women agency, participation and GBV among women and men of all ages in Afghanistan.

2. Understand the main risks of GBV for women, men, boys and girls of communities and map GBV services providers and their capacity, including community-based GBV prevention and response systems.

3. Provide practical recommendations to WEE-RDP and the World Bank to improve gender integration and quality of GBV prevention and services in the response.

4. Well familiar with Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with separate groups of girls, women, boys and men and with mixed groups in each area.

5. Familiar with Individual Interviews, individual interviews with women, men, boys and girls including key religious figures, elders and officials.



The consultant should have BSc or Master in Computer Science. The consultant should have at least 5 years of working experience in the same field. Should be well knowledge of English, Dari and Pashtu reading, writing and speaking


1. The consultant should be familiar with the preparation and organization of qualitative and quantitative research outputs with the team of selected firm.

2. Consultant should be well familiar with the professional usage of (Nvivo and Dedoose) research and statistic software.

3. Consultant should be fully dominated on the collection, evaluation and analysis of the qualitative research data.

4. Consultant should be able in analyzing and summarizing the qualitative research findings, assessing the outcomes and options emerging from the research contributing as a junior partner to the writing and publication of research papers.

5. Consultant should be familiar in preparing research reports and qualitative research activity of report for WEE-RDP assignment.

6. Consultant should be familiar in preparing and undertaking analyses and tests using techniques and approaches agreed in the GBV term of reference.

7. Consultant should be familiar in processing the data and creation of a project-specific database based on different data collected by the team, including the FGDs information, database matching and merging, and updates to the database.




Consultant must know speaking both Pashtu and Dari, English is an asset. Should have BSc in social, law, psychology or education. Consultant should have at least 5 years of working experience in research and survey. Consultant should be able traveling to the targeted districts and provinces


1. The consultant should able using an appropriate and creative methodology to design and manage a research the GBV related tasks, which may involve the use of quantitative and/or qualitative methods and may include both pilot and development work

2. Consultant should be able to design and write questionnaires and surveys templates and forms

3. Consultant should be familiar with applying a range of research techniques to gather relevant information, including document analysis, surveys, case studies and interviews (face-to-face, FGD and other meetings)

4. Consultant should be able to develop and test theories

5. Consultant should be able to liaise with and direct social research field interviewers to gather information

6. Consultant should be able to carry out information and data retrieval searches using electronic databases

7. Consultant should be familiar in analyzing and evaluating research and interpret data, making sure she/h identified key issues

8. Consultant should be able gathering information by directing or carrying out fieldwork

9. Consultant should be well familiar with Afghan cultural restrictions, values and conditions








[6] Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Program Impact Assessment Report October 2018

[7] Impact of Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Program on Rural Women, Study Paper: April 2015

[8] In WEE-RDP, we expect women from 70% of households in the village to participate. The hypothesis that led to this key program change is that women’s empowerment will be facilitated by having a higher portion of women participating in the program. The study should show whether this hypothesis is verifiable.

[9] “Violence against women” is here defined broadly to mean “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life” (United Nations General Assembly. Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women. In: 85th Plenary Meeting. December 20, 1993. Geneva, Switzerland; 1993). The study should however seek to specify men and women’s own understandings of violence.

[10] For both objectives 2.a and 2.b, causal factors to violence and categories of perpetrators should be identified (e.g. spouses, brothers, parents, others in the community).

[11] These are: Balkh, Bamyan, Parwan, Nangarhar and Herat.

[12] On this basis, districts of visit in Nangarhar might include Behsud and Darah-i-Noor; and in Balk, Nahr-e-Shahi and Balkh (in addition to other districts required to meet the sampling requirements).

[13] WHO. Putting women first: Ethical and safety recommendations for research on domestic violence against women. Geneva: World Health Organization, Department of Gender and Women’s Health; 2001.

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