REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (REoI) - Qualitative Diagnostic of Rural Women’s Social and Economic Empowerment in Afghanistan


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Country: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Name of Project: Women Economic Empowerment Rural Development Program (WEE-RDP)
Grant No.: IDA-DE840
Assignment Title: Qualitative Diagnostic of Rural Women’s Social and Economic Empowerment in Afghanistan
Duration of Assignment: 3 Months
Implementing Agency: Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD)
Province: Nangarhar and Balkh
Reference No: 22/WB/28/NCB/BLH, NGR/98
Issue date: September 01, 2019

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Sun, Aug 01 2021 8:09 AM
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دعوت به داوطلبی

شورای انکشافی کوچی ( چرچرک ) ولسوالی( پلخمری ) ولایت( بغلان )


شماره:…………… تاریخ اعلان 10 / 05 /1400




شورای انکشافی کوچی ( چرچرک ) جهت تدارک (نصب و تطبیق پروژه برق آفتابی . . .

Tue, Jul 06 2021 3:11 PM
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Request for Bid

Issue Date: July 06th, 2021 Country: Afghanistan Name of Project: Citizens’ Charter Afghanistan Project Contract Title: Framework agreement for Procurement of Printing Product and . . .

Wed, May 19 2021 2:14 PM
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Request for Quotation: agreement for Procurement of Printing Product REACH Project for the period of one year

Issue Date: May 19th, 2021 Country: Afghanistan Name of Project: Citizens’ Charter Afghanistan Project Contract Title: Framework agreement for Procurement of Printing Product REACH . . .

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