Invitation for (RFQ):


تاریخ نشر

تاریخ ختم


Publish Date: 28, February, 2021

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Procurement Directorate, Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD)

Project ID: P164443

Procurement of UPS for PMO and Regional Offices- WEE-RDP

Reference Number: AF-MRRD/WEE-RDP-139041-GO-RFQ


The Procurement Directorate of MRRD invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders to Procurement of UPS for PMO and Regional Offices- WEE-RDP

Bidding will be conducted through a Request for Quote procurement arrangement and Request for Quote selection method specified in the World Bank’s Regulation for NPF July 2016, Revised November 2017, and is open to all bidders from Eligible Source Countries as defined in the Guidelines.

Interested eligible bidders may get further information and can obtain the Bidding Documents at the address given below in official hours on any working days from Saturday to Thursday.


Qualifications requirements include: The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence that it meets the following requirement(s):

  1. The interested bidders should have the update registration Certificate from the relevant entity
  2. The bidders who have the experience of completing UPS project will be encouraged to attend.

Bids must be delivered to the address below on/or before 07, Mar, 2021 at 20:00 HRS Local Time. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.


The address referred to above is:


Attention: Mr. Gul Raihan Husainkhail

Head of Goods & non consultancy services

3rd Floor, Procurement Directorate

Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development Darulaman Road, Kabul, Afghanistan

Telephone: +93 020 25 20 213

E-mail: , Copy to:

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