The contract of Hiring the Services of facilitating partner to provide implementation support for community mobilization and institutions development for Baghlan Province Awarded to Aga Khan Foundation Afghanistan (AKF)


Notification of Intention to Award

For the attention of all Consultants who participated for the procurement process of hiring FPs for Baghlan Province.


DATE OF TRANSMISSION: This Notification is sent by: email on 30 October, 2019 Client: Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD)

Contract title: Hiring the Services of facilitating partner to provide implementation support for community mobilization and institutions development for Baghlan Province.

Country: Afghanistan

Grant No.: IDA-D3840


This Notification of Intention to Award (Notification) notifies you of our decision to award the above contract. The transmission of this Notification begins the Standstill Period. During the Standstill Period you may:

  1. request a debriefing in relation to the evaluation of your Proposal, and/or
  2. Submit a Procurement-related Complaint in relation to the decision to award the contract.  
  1. The successful Consultant


Aga Khan Foundation Afghanistan (AKF)


P.O.Box 5753, House No. 63, Ghiasuddin Watt, Shar-e-naw PD10, Kabul, Afghanistan

Contract price:

US$  822,450


  1. Short listed Consultants [INSTRUCTIONS:

Name of Consultant

Submitted Proposal

[use for FTP]

Overall technical scores

[use for STP]

Overall technical scores

Financial Proposal price (if applicable)

Evaluated Financial Proposal price

(if applicable)

Combined score and ranking (if applicable)

Aga Khan Foundation Afghanistan (AKF)


Criterion (i): Similar experience in the past 5 years. [9.67]

Criterion (ii): Proposed methodology, work plan and Organization and staffing. [31.67]

Criterion (iii): Key staff qualification.  [35.74]

Criterion (5 ): Transfer of knowledge {7.33}

Total score: [84.41


US$  822,450

US$  822,450

Combined Score:












Because the consultant did not provided original Tech-1.







Afghanistan Social Improvement Organization (ASIO)


Criterion (i): Similar experience in the past 5 years. [7.33]

Criterion (ii): Proposed methodology, work plan and Organization and staffing. [24.00]

Criterion (iii): Key staff qualification.  [39.12]

Criterion (5 ): Transfer of knowledge {0}

Total score: [70.45






Bangladesh Women’s Health Coalition (BWHC)-Lead with CAFC Consulting as Sub-consultant


Criterion (i): Similar experience in the past 5 years. [7.33]

Criterion (ii): Proposed methodology, work plan and Organization and staffing. [29.33]

Criterion (iii): Key staff qualification.  [30.17]

Criterion (5 ): Transfer of knowledge {0}

Total score: [66.83





Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) (Lead Partner) In Association with State Helps Consultancy Services Company (SH) as sub consultant









  1. Reason/s why you’re Proposal was unsuccessful.


  • No further evaluation took place as the consultant did not provide original Tech1.

2 Afghanistan Social Improvement Organization (ASIO);

Overall your technical proposal has been considered to be not qualified by the assigned evaluation committee (EC) of the MRRD, (please see the scorings above given to each criteria), since the competition (in technical point) was quite tough, the EC carefully assessed each proposals, scored them, and noted the core points (weakness and strengths) of the technical proposals accordingly. The EC highlighted the following points while evaluating your proposals.

  • Your NOG experience does not implement project with same scope and relevancy with the current TOR.
  • Your NGO methodology and work plan shows lack of understanding of the WEERDP concept and TOR.
  • You have introduced good team of Key Experts.
  • Transfer of knowledge not presented.


Overall your technical proposal has been considered to be not qualified by the assigned evaluation committee (EC) of the MRRD, (please see the scorings above given to each criteria), since the competition (in technical point) was quite tough, the EC carefully assessed each proposals, scored them, and noted the core points (weakness and strengths) of the technical proposals accordingly. The EC highlighted the following points while evaluating your proposals.

  • BWHC experience  implemented more Health projects The committee observes that BWHC could have strongly linked it to WEERDP; which is working and socially and economically empowering communities
  • The Methodology Trainings of SHGs are not described well.
  • You have introduced good team of Key Experts; however, some of them are having less relevant experiences.
  • Transfer of knowledge not presented.
  1. How to request a debriefing [This applies only if your proposal was unsuccessful as stated under point (3) above]

DEADLINE: The deadline to request a debriefing expires at midnight on [insert date] (local time).

You may request a debriefing in relation to the results of the evaluation of your Proposal. If you decide to request a debriefing your written request must be made within three (3) Business Days of receipt of this Notification of Intention to Award.

Provide the contract name, reference number, name of the Consultant, contact details; and address the request for debriefing as follows:

Attention: Fahim Ahmadi

Title/position: Procurement Director

Agency: MRRD

Email address:

If your request for a debriefing is received within the 3 Business Days deadline, we will provide the debriefing within five (5) Business Days of receipt of your request. If we are unable to provide the debriefing within this period, the Standstill Period shall be extended by five (5) Business Days after the date that the debriefing is provided. If this happens, we will notify you and confirm the date that the extended Standstill Period will end.

The debriefing may be in writing, by phone, video conference call or in person. We shall promptly advise you in writing how the debriefing will take place and confirm the date and time.

If the deadline to request a debriefing has expired, you may still request a debriefing. In this case, we will provide the debriefing as soon as practicable, as and normally no later than fifteen (15) Business Days from the date of publication of the Contract Award Notice.


  1. How to make a complaint?

DEADLINE: The deadline for submitting a Procurement-related Complaint challenging the decision to award the contract expires on midnight (local time) after 10 business days after issuance of this notification.

Provide the contract name, reference number, name of the Consultant, contact details; and address the Procurement-related Complaint as follows:

Attention: Fahim Ahmadi

Title/position: Procurement Director

Agency: MRRD

Email address:

 [At this point in the procurement process] [ Upon receipt of this notification] you may submit a Procurement-related Complaint challenging the decision to award the contract. You do not need to have requested, or received, a debriefing before making this complaint. Your complaint must be submitted within the Standstill Period and received by us before the Standstill Period ends.

Further information:

For more information see the “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers (Procurement Regulations) (Annex III).” You should read these provisions before preparing and submitting your complaint. In addition, the World Bank’s Guidance “How to make a Procurement-related Complaint” provides a useful explanation of the process, as well as a sample letter of complaint.

In summary, there are four essential requirements:

  1. You must be an ‘interested party’. In this case, that means a Consultant who has submitted a Proposal in this selection process, and is the recipient of a Notification of Intention to Award.
  2. The complaint can only challenge the decision to award the contract.
  3. You must submit the complaint within the deadline stated above.
  4. You must include, in your complaint, all of the information required by the Procurement Regulations (as described in Annex III).
  1. Standstill Period

DEADLINE: The Standstill Period is due to end at midnight on November 10, 2019 (Kabul local time).

The Standstill Period lasts ten (10) Business Days after the date of transmission of this Notification of Intention to Award.

The Standstill Period may be extended. This may happen where we are unable to provide a debriefing within the five (5) Business Day deadline. If this happens we will notify you of the extension.

If you have any questions regarding this Notification, please do not hesitate to contact us.

On behalf of MRRD.


Name:                     Mohammad Fahim Ahmadi

Title/position:       Procurement Directorate


Signature:              ………………………….


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